Foot Care Services
“Chiropody is the assessment of the foot and the treatment and prevention of disease or disorders of the foot by therapeutic, surgical, orthotic and palliative means”
- The Chiropody Act, 1991
We offer general and preventative foot care for a wide range of foot conditions and to different patient groups. Some of the issues or problems Chiropodists are trained to treat include the following:
- Thickened toenails
- Ingrown toenails
- Fungal nail or skin conditions
- Foot, ankle, knee, hip or back pain
- Corns and calluses
- Plantar warts
- Diabetic foot/wound care
- Geriatric & Arthritic foot care
- Bunions and other toe deformities
- Dry and cracked skin
- Congenital foot deformities
- Neuromas and peripheral neuropathies
- Sports injury and repetitive strain injuries